The journey for free spirits ready to thrive + live life on their own terms.  

Daniele Knight

There’s a wild one inside all of us.

A dreamer, a free spirit, a wanderer and a lover of life, born curious and destined to leave their mark on the world.

They’re – you’re! - made for magic, not mediocrity.

This is your birthright.

…But somewhere along the way, you settled.

You’ve been living on autopilot and doing ‘all the things’ to please everyone else for so long that you’ve unintentionally drifted away from what you truly want. Not just what you want … but what you need. On a soul level.  

You’re meant for more. 

You glimpsed it, felt it, on that six-month backpacking trip through Europe; the charity trek through the Himalayas; the weekend spent immersed in your dream project. 

You felt the irreplaceable spark of passion ignite. You felt what life could – and really should – be like. You felt … free. 



I get it. Everything we’re taught tells us that life is meant to be hard work, be done in a certain way, there’s things we ‘should’ achieve and how we ‘should’ be.

We hustle earning money to pay bills and maybe find time somewhere in between for play, adventures, and doing shit we love. right?

But I know this way of ‘doing life’ doesn’t feel right for you.

You’d rather …

  • Do more of the things that make you feel creative and free, but you’re struggling to let those parts of you shine.

  • Have a lifestyle built around things that light you up, but you’ve been told “that’s not realistic”  

  • You crave freedom but you feel overcommitted and overwhelmed living a life that doesn’t fit you. 


Which means you’re sitting at home, feeling trapped and uninspired inside the box of rules society has created for you, instead of getting out there and going for all the big, exciting, fulfilling things that you want in life.

The thing about staying in the box though?
That sucker doesn’t have a lid. There’s no air in there. You’re slowly suffocating.

And I know the last thing you want is to wake up when you’re 80 and whisper to yourself, “Fuck, I should have just gone for it back then.”

… But where – and how – do you start?

Danielle Branje

“I’m now living a life that before my work with Danielle, I didn’t think was possible!”
- Danielle Branje.

Mindy Fox

“The most important thing people should know about Danielle is that she’ll see things you can’t yet see in yourself, which includes exactly what is holding you back as well as you abilities and potential! ”
- Mindy Fox

Yo, I got you. This doesn’t have to be a solo adventure…

Danielle Knight

I’m Danielle,

I’m the go-to for guiding you through total life and lifestyle transformation - no limits.

Because I’ve been where you are.

A few years ago, my life looked great on paper. I had a well-paid corporate job where I rubbed shoulders with celebrities. I had a cool apartment by the beach and a nice boyfriend to come home to.

Tick, tick, tick.

But every morning I woke up with a gaping hole in my soul.

How could a life that was so full … feel so empty?


When I scratched beneath the surface, I discovered:

  • I was living life on autopilot, without consciously choosing where my life was headed. 

  • My actions were focused on doing things that pleased others, rather than what made me happy. 

  • Things were ‘good’ … but they sure as hell weren’t, “FUCK YES!” great. 

  • My days felt monotonous, dull, heavy and uninspired. 

  • My relationships were strained and unfulfilling. 

  • I felt totally disconnected from my world … like I’d lost myself. 

  • I’d settled for a life that didn’t light me up. 

And now? It was time to un-settle.

This is the absolute best gift you can give yourself. There’s nothing like having someone who truly ‘sees’ you. I’d recommend Danielle to anyone who feels they’ve lost their way & are frustrated, she can help you find yourself again. I now feel really in touch with myself, totally changed the direction of my business and got new clients straight away.

-Sofie VonMarricks

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“I knew I wasn’t listening to my inner callings and felt lost, overwhelmed and just disconnected from myself. I’ve learned to listen to my Soul with more clarity, less fear and finally gave myself credit for who I really am.

- Stami. K

You and me? We’re the ones who don’t fit in.


Our dreams, desires, ideas and inspiration doesn’t fit inside society’s box. 

And even though others might not ‘get it’, I want you to know …

There’s nothing wrong with being, or wanting, something different. 

You’re not meant to be tamed

You’re not meant to keep yourself small to make others comfortable. 

You’re meant to be wild and free and unleashed. 

Because you deserve to passionately thrive and live life your way. 

And I’m here to help you do it. 

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[ Read my story here.]

I specialise in guiding you through the scary shit: Growth, self-expression, freedom and passion.

And with practical, tangible strategies paired with a loving kick in the ass, I help you do the damn thing already. 

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“ I was shining at half light and didn't feel like myself anymore.
I wanted to reach my full potential but struggled with self - sabotage. Danielle helped me re-connect and focus on being true to who I am. I regained my inner strength, developed boundaries & say no to things that don't add value to my life. I created my own dream business and found joy. She helped me come alive again".

-Bridget Alexander.

This is what takes you from lost to found.  



A personalised three-month one-on-one adventure, designed to support you in liberating all areas of your life.

We’ll start where you are: Settled, stuck, and going through the motions. 

Then, together, we’ll co-create a roadmap that gets you EXACTLY what you really crave in life. 

In three-months’ time, you’ll have everything you need to emerge as your most free, unapologetic self; out there confidently making your dreams a reality, on your own terms. 

But it doesn’t end there …

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my process of ‘Rewilding’ will help you

This experience will help you:

  • Break free from the confusion, excuses, fears, stories and shit keeping you stuck. 

  • Return to your core essence of who you are and what you’re meant to be doing and living in the world. 

  • Overcome your fear of success and break free from of unworthiness by healing your self-worth, self-belief and self-confidence. 

  • Uncover new possibilities for your life, career, lifestyle and future. 

  • Cultivate deep, unwavering trust in yourself, your intuition and your unique path in life. 

  • Strut your stuff and feel unapologetically confident in exactly who you are – in every room, conversation and relationship. 

  • Make money in a way that feels good and feeds your soul. 

  • Connect more deeply with yourself and others. 

  • Do less of the shit you hate and more of the stuff that makes you light up – totally guilt-free.


Danielle Knight

ReWilding is all about

- Total freedom alchemy and life empowerment – no limits.

- Breaking the cookie-cutter mould and writing your own script for Uncaged living.

- Laser-focused, soulful and strategic expert coaching support and guidance designed to empower, energise, uplift, inspire and enlighten you each step of the way.

Here’s what’s included + how we make magic happen..

  • Step one: The Soul Speak questionnaire to help you lift the fog of confusion and get super clear on what’s not working and what’s in your way so you can tune into what you really want for yourself. 

          • Step two: The Unstuck session - A 60-minute coaching session to break through the obstacles holding you back so you can get started straight away. Yay!

          • Step three: The Soul Fuel pre-work booklet – A holistic snapshot of what’s going on in every area of your life, eliminating overwhelm and uncovering the hidden depths needing your attention so you can cultivate an empowered way of making aligned decisions, forever. 

          • Step four: Gifted Goals session – Harnessing soul strategy and guidance, I’ll support you in dreaming big to create meaningful goals you get butterflies over. Next, we’ll map out a clear starting point and action plan so you can turn those dreams into plans.  

          • Step five: The Uncaged lesson – This transformational lesson will change how you go after what you want, allowing you to identify specific-to-you experiences that make you feel free, confident, expansive and ridiculous fucking excited.  

          • Step six: The Soul sessions – Through five 60-minute coaching calls, I’ll be your soulful sidekick, guiding you through the transformational wilderness. Each session we focus on exactly what you need to feel supported, clear and confident in moving forward, motivated, and connected deeply to yourself + what’s going on so you can reach your goals in a way that feels good every single step.



Plus three-month’s unlimited email support from your pocket Yoda (me) so you can collect words of wisdom (and loving, inspirational butt kicks) no matter where you are. 

Not to mention customised resources, ritual guides and tools made just for you to help you manage your time, energy, mindset, spirituality, people-pleasing, procrastination, intuition, money and more. 




One payment of $3000 AUD

Non-refundable deposit: $400 AUD
x3 monthly payments: $900 AUD
Total: $3100 AUD

Need a custom payment plan? Please don’t hesitate to reach out. My aim is for my services to be as inclusive and accessible as possible. 

this is for

  • Free spirits who have tasted adventure, freedom and their dream life … and now want to recapture and Rewild themselves and their lives. 

  • Seekers who miss the liberated version of themselves they used to be and want to stop settling and reclaim their freedom.  

  • Creative born to be change -makers with a clear vision of what they would do if they were more confident, brave and in tune with their dreams. 

  • Dreamers who know they are wasting their potential and want to find their way back to doing more of the shit they love.

Most of all, this is for the humans ready to do the work and get outta their own way to create their version of a successful, fulfilling + thriving life.



“ I'd recommend coaching with Danielle to anyone who feels they have a direction they want to go in but feel overwhelmed & under-supported in how to get there. The awareness I now have of myself is life changing. I no longer tolerate behaviour that's not kind or supportive. I'm a calmer, more present person & my relationships are healthier.”

-Cassandra Smith

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“ What I have now that I didn't have before coaching with Danielle is confidence. I used to think I was undesirable & the word 'undesirable' doesn't exist in my vocabulary anymore. I've blossomed into a strong independent loving woman and focus on what I desire.
Danielle lovingly kicked my ass when I needed it & gave me the tools to find more of myself, my passions & believe in who I am both internally & externally.”

-Helena Rogers


“ If your Compass is broken and you're feeling a little lost, you can count on Danielle to help you find your direction, your true loves in life and equip you with the confidence needed for the journey to having it all!

My experience with her has always been honest, full of genuine love and support, eye opening and fulfilling. Life's too short to keep questioning what makes you happy, let Danielle help you be a fearless leader of your own life! “

-Lacynda Walsch


“ I was hoping to gain confidence & lessen my anxiety. The biggest change is that I now take action to cultivate a positive environment for things that give me the greatest pleasure and joy. I’ve moved overseas to pursue my passions and Danielle helped me with so many ideas of things to do. Life is continuing to open up and become more exciting. The future is nothing but bright.”

-Cameron Perrins

the good vibes test

Want to take the pressure off and start your coaching experience with me today … with no hesitations or financial risk?

No problems! 

I offer a no-strings-attached complimentary coaching consultation to give you a taste of the Uncaged + thriving experience. 

During this session, I’ll while answer any and all of your questions about ReWilding and my coaching process so you can make an informed decision about whether Uncaged + thriving is a right fit for you. 

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Book the trip.
Take the adventure. Set your own hours. Unsettle. uncage. thrive!